Kollectin X Girlfriend Box
Hi Lovely!
How’re you doing? Are you starting to feel this Spring weather or what?! Is it too early to start busting out our bathing suits? Probably. Is it too early to start applying that sunscreen? Never! Always gotta use that SPF, girl 😉especially when you’re getting ready for FESTIVAL SEASON! And we couldn’t be MORE excited or ready for it!
Whether you’re hitting up a few music fests or just taking full advantage of Spring itself, we have a feeling you’ll love our brand new collab with the Girlfriend Box! That’s right, Kollectin and Girlfriend Box are teaming up to launch an exclusive Kollectin X Girlfriend Box Tiny Boutique, which will be FILLED with all of your essential festival and Spring needs! Think florals, sparkles, pastels, and more! You know, practically everything one needs for Spring…
Arianny Celeste and Alejandra Boggiano, co-founders of the Gilrfriend Box
Dying to know more? I mean, who wouldn’t?! Check out our Style Star of the Month writeup of Arianny and Ale from Girlfriend Box, and peep our teaser for the Kollectin X Girlfriend Box collab below! Don’t forget to mark your calendars for WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3RD when the launch officially drops in the Kollectin app!
See you on Wednesday!
Your Friends at Kollectin