Every Woman Treaty

Hi Lovely!

We are so excited and proud to share this BIG NEWS with you! As you know, Kollectin is a community of strong women supporting women, which is why we’re so excited to share that we’re a proud partner of the Every Woman Treaty. We will soon release a special bracelet collection to drive donation to this critical cause. Please be on the look out for its release.

The Every Woman Treaty is a diverse coalition of more than 1,700 women’s rights advocates in 128 countries working for a safer world for women and girls worldwide. And they just launched their public campaign for a global treaty to end violence against women and girls.

As a supporting partner of this AMAZING organization, we want to get the word out. Please consider signing the treaty and share it with three friends in honor of the 1 in 3 women who experience violence.

Thank you!

Your Friends at Kollectin


Happy International Women's Day!


Award Season | The Oscars